Monday, November 16, 2009

Up Top, God!

Did you ever want to just give God a high-five?

I not talking about the kind of heartfelt thanks and praise we give to God for our daily bread or a long petitioned prayer. I'm sure we've all been there (daily, I'd hope).

I'm talking about the spontaneous need that was only made known a tenth of a second before it was met with God’s “Yes” before your brain could even finish the thought, “how’m I gonna ---.”

Maybe it’s in the timing only God could pull off that parts three miles of DC gridlock so a mother can make a dash through an opening in the cars to make a green light that allows her to get home 30 seconds before her son’s bus drops him off at the corner rather than what would surely have been 10 or 15 minutes of him sitting on the front step.

Don’t think God’s in things that small? As she speeds through the break in traffic, one hand on the wheel, the other in the air, exclaiming “Thank You, Jesus!” …just waiting for God to return that high-five – she does. I do!

I believe God is in those little moments as much as He’s in the miraculous recoveries that people pray for months and years for that are finally met with God’s healing hand. God deserves high-fives for those too, but imagine those miracles are met with more traditional forms of praise and thanksgiving. The high-five just wouldn’t seem like enough.

When the boys were just two and three years old, we were driving down the highway through the daily afternoon Florida sun-shower when the car in front of me slammed on his brakes. I reacted in kind, but the tires locked up and my car spun off the road into the grass median, circling like a Disney Teacup toward the oncoming traffic of the other side of the highway.

Before I could even put an expletive together, the car straightened out to slide perfectly sideways for an additional 10 or 20 feet right up to a YIELD sign that I could have rolled down the driver’s window and touched once the car stopped – just 2 or 3 inches from the car. Not. A. Scratch. I turned around to see if the boys were okay – imagining that could have been terrifying – and Derek was clapping “yeaaaa.”

High-five, God! Before I even realized I had a need, You met it. Thank you for the little things, the big things and all the things in between. They are all Yours!

High-five, God! Up Top!

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